CR3W Мадейра
Мадейра. CR3W QSL.
Мадейра. CR3W QSL.
Белиз. Автор фото - Дэвид Ламб.
Nob JF2MBF and Ken JA2FJP will be active from Pitcairn Island, IOTA OC - 044, 25 August - 3 September 2016 as VP6J.
They will operate on 160 - 10m CW, SSB, RTTY.
QSL via JF2MBF direct, OQRS, LOTW.
Ads for direct QSL:
Mitsunobu Ichino, 4-16-7 Futamuradai, Toyoake, Aichi 470-1131, Japan.
Yesterday morning (VP6) Ken and I landed.
We've put up 40-10m vertical, Cushcraft R-5 which I used on 23 years
ago as VR6BB/VR6JJ and 30m 2 elements vertical.
Above antennas are working well.
This morning we finished 160m inverted L.
Then we'll add 80m 5/8 wave length element and radials to the 160m
inverted L in the afternoon.
We hope to work as many as possible on both 160m and 80m.
73 de Nob, VP6J also VP6JJ, VR6JJ and JF2MBF